Since dental medicine is an extremely specific and varied type of activity, Axis Dental has paid special attention to the development of its products and has developed a wide range to ensure all of the different activities involved.

DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) diamond and tungsten carbide burs
Proxo and Ortho Files
Z, GF and micro preparation diamonds and periodontics burs
A thin layer of carbon is attached on these burs once they’re finished. Thanks to this special treatment we can attach the diamond grains more firmly and increase the resistance of the cutting layers of tungsten carbide. Diamonds are capable of resolving some highly complex works, such as Lithium Disilicate and Zirconia cutting, since tungsten carbide ensures the finish on Lithium Disilicate avoiding micro cracks that weaken these restorations.
Proxo files access difficult areas and corners where reamers cannot reach; the movement of the saw ensures a smooth work with perfect control of the substance to be removed.
Ortho files support orthodontics work, which is in high demand today. The necessary space to solve the positioning of teeth is obtained thanks to these specific files that are made to support significant lateral efforts created during the intervention.
Z burs combine 2 different diamond grains that cover free spaces (if any), in order to improve the abrasive effect and comfort of the product.
The GF model has two types of grains in two different locations, the side has a strong grain (G for green) for an efficient filing, and the extremity has a very fine grain (F for fine), ensuring a perfect finish.
The micro preparation burs allow for a smooth intervention thanks to a very small active part and perfect visibility during the intervention, with the aid of a very thin handle.
Periodontics burs are very specific, both due to their length and the need to turn at low revolutions due to their contra-angle connection.